In 2020, the Swiss Federal Assembly passed the SWEET (“Swiss Energy research for the Energy Transition”) funding programme with a budget of CHF 136.4 million and a term until 2032 (as of March 2024). Through SWEET, inter-/transdisciplinary consortia are supported that contribute to meeting the objectives of the Energy Strategy 2050 and Switzerland’s long-term climate strategy. The Swiss Federal Office of Energy has commissioned Interface and KMU Forschung Austria as part of a WTO tender to carry out an accompanying evaluation of SWEET. The evaluation of SWEET aims to gather essential insights that will allow specific adjustments to the programme’s concept, processes and guidelines and thus contribute to its continuous improvement.




Chiara Büchler

Mit «Mensch + Kirche Zug 2035» hat die katholische Kirche der Stadt Zug mit ihren vier Pfarreien ein mehrjähriges Projekt …